The SOILL project does not start from scratch. It benefits from the groundwork laid by previous initiatives of the Mission Soil. These forerunners played a crucial role in raising awareness and equipping potential applicants to establish Soil Health Living Labs (SHLLs) and Lighthouses (SHLHs).
Synergy with Predecessors
Even before Mission Soil formally launched, projects like Soil Mission Support, EJP SOIL, and ALL Ready were already tackling soil challenges. Since 2021, efforts have become even more focused and coordinated under the EU Mission Soil Deal for Europe.
SOILL leverages the valuable legacy of Mission Soil Coordination and Support Actions, particularly projects like NATI00NS and PREPSOIL.
PREPSOIL: Preparing for the ‘Soil Deal for Europe’ Mission
NATI00NS: National engagement activities to support the launch of the Mission 'A Soil Deal for Europe’ 100 Living Labs and Lighthouses
Together, Stronger
SOILL, PREPSOIL, and NATI00NS, along with other CSAs, form a powerful network propelling the Mission Soil agenda forward. By collaborating and building upon each other's work, they are creating a fertile ground for the establishment and success of Soil Health Living Labs across Europe.