Be part of the SOILL Community!

  • Current Help SOILL map community members
  • General Information
  • Focus area and Interest in SOILL
  • Complete

Help SOILL map community members

We invite you to be part of the SOILL project community, supporting and empowering a growing soil health community in Europe. 

By participating, you'll gain access to a centralised hub of information on Soil Mission Living Labs (SHLL) and Lighthouses (LHs), benefit from regular updates on progress and achievements, and engage in knowledge exchange and collaboration opportunities. 

Additionally, you'll have access to matchmaking tools, policy support documents and capacity-building programmes. Your input is crucial for identifying collaboration opportunities and supporting the development of SHLL/LHs. Join the SOILL community by completing the form today and help pave the way for sustainable soil health in Europe!

General Information

I would like to register as

Focus area and Interest in SOILL

Briefly describe your interests in domains revolving around soil health.
2-3 sentences.
Website link (alternatively: a social media link)
Are you connected to any regional/national organisations or networks that have an interest in soil health?
Operational level of my organisation
My organisation operates as
Existing Living Lab/Lighthouse
Potential Soil Health Living Lab /Lighthouse applicant
Independent/single entity
Land use type(s) that my organisation addresses
EU Mission Soil objectives my organisation addresses
reduce desertification
conserve soil organic carbon stocks
stop soil sealing and increase re-use of urban soils
reduce soil pollution and enhance restoration
prevent erosion
improve soil structure to enhance soil biodiversity
reduce the EU global footprint on soils
improve soil literacy in society
I would like to benefit from

Please indicate how would you like to benefit from the SOILL Startup community. You can select more than one box.

I accept the SOILL privacy policy.