Launch Event of SHARE Innovation Lab

With the aim of achieving EU climate neutrality by 2050, the Commission issued Regulation (EU) 2024/3012, which also outlines strategies for agriculture to combat climate change (carbon farming). In this context, the EU Soil Mission defines Living Labs as transdisciplinary, user-centred and place-based research and innovation ecosystems to co-design, test, monitor and evaluate solutions to improve soil health.
Funded by the EU, the project brings together farmers, researchers, industry and public authorities to develop sustainable agricultural systems through Living Labs. With 24 partners and over 80 farmers, it tests innovative practices on numerous sites, addressing soil health, agroecology, CO₂ sequestration and responsible use of resources.
SHARE Innovation Lab
Among the first Italian Living Labs, it includes several sites in the Po Valley, including a light-house farm (CERZOO, San Bonico, PC). The farms involved range from cereal and livestock farming to biogas plants, experimenting with a variety of solutions for resilient, efficient, sustainable agriculture.
- 09:00 Registration of participants
- 09:30 Welcome and opening remarks
Vincenzo Tabaglio - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - 09:40 C Farming in the EU: legislation, CAP and perspectives
Valeria Forlin - European Commission (DG CLIMA)
Emmanuel Petel - European Commission (DG AGRI)
Leonhard Maier - European Commission (DG AGRI) - 10:00 C Farming in Italy: state of the art and ongoing research
Maria Fantappiè - CREA - 10:20 SHARE: the Living Lab for Carbon sequestration
Andrea Fiorini - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - 10:40 Monitoring and quantification of Carbon removals
Marco Acutis - University of Milan - 11.00 Coffee break
- 11:30 Panel discussion with Stakeholders
Andrea Ferrarini - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Silvia Motta - ERSAF
Anna Trettenero - Confagricoltura
Paolo Manfredi - Confindustria - 12:30 Q&A and conclusions
- 13:00 Buffet Lunch